James – What You Do Matters With Tammy Pritchett
April 9, 9:30 am - May 1 - 11:30 am 2024 | North Campus
North Campus: Room A100-107
Tuesday mornings
How much is your faith making a difference in your life? When you’re facing a hardship, challenge or uncertainty, where do you turn for answers in the Bible? Other than the Gospels, which are packed with the teachings of Christ, do you know which book of the New Testament sounds the most like Jesus?
It’s James! Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised. The author of this book, James, was the sibling of Jesus. They were raised by the same mom, played in the same yard, and shared the same meals around the table. James sounds more like Jesus than other New Testament writers. This short letter is packed with doable and down-to-earth teaching, golden treasures of wisdom, and a timely call for believers everywhere to grow into maturity. Join beloved Bible teacher, Margaret Feinburg, in a rich, fresh study of James that will uncover the genuine markers of real faith, equip you to break free from old patterns by developing new practices, and discover how the Father of heavenly lights treasures you.