Fayette Classical Academy

Frequently Asked Questions

Keeping You Informed

We are prayerfully considering leasing part of our North Campus to Fayette Classical Academy (FCA). This decision is an opportunity to further our mission of inviting people to a relationship with Jesus Christ and manage our resources wisely. It allows us to impact our community both spiritually and educationally and provides the below key benefits:

This is all about ministry. By hosting Fayette Classical Academy, we’re excited to have such a large group of students, staff, and parents on our campuses, and this fuels our imagination of what can be accomplished in ministry at New Hope.

There is much value in our stewardship, from preventing the deterioration of the large number of rooms to receiving money from the lease to the improvement of facilities. Leasing part of our campus supports our financial health, enabling us to maintain facilities and continue God’s work without extra strain on our resources.

There is a request for our members to be actively involved in using skills to support the school and by sharing our space, we reinforce New Hope’s role in promoting both spiritual and educational growth, expanding our impact within the community.

There is opportunity for our church to have students, parents, and staff very much involved as active participants. This relationship offers new service opportunities, from mentoring to volunteering.

We will be hosting a Q&A night for the entire church on Sunday, October 27 at 5:00 PM. It will take place at the North Campus Student Cafe and is open to anyone with additional questions.

Top 10 Questions

Are we closing or selling the North Campus?

No. New Hope is not selling the North Campus. We are hosting FCA on our property for an agreed upon time.

What is the arrangement with FCA and New Hope?

New Hope will lease part of the North Campus to FCA for five years.

How will this relationship impact our church’s vision and mission?

This relationship with FCA supports New Hope’s mission to invite people into a relationship with Jesus and gather into the community at New Hope. Hosting FCA on our North Campus brings new families and energy to our church property while expanding opportunities for service. This allows us to continue our vision by being a hub for community growth and values-driven development.

What do you mean by ‘relationship?’

New Hope is hosting FCA on our property, sharing facilities and resources while maintaining our church’s mission and ministries. This relationship aims to support both the church and the school—New Hope by expanding its community outreach, and FCA by offering a nurturing, high-quality educational environment.

What opportunities will New Hope members have with FCA?

New Hope members will have multiple opportunities to engage with FCA. They can volunteer in classrooms, mentor students, participate in community service projects, assist with school events, and help in administrative roles such as monitoring during lunch or recess. There will also be opportunities to serve on joint committees or advisory director boards to help guide and support the relationship between the church and the school. As those opportunities arise, they will be clearly communicated.

Will the church maintain full control over spiritual activities and ministry spaces?

Yes, New Hope will maintain full control over all spiritual activities, worship services, and dedicated ministry spaces. Any shared use of facilities with FCA will be planned so that core church activities are not disrupted. We will retain ownership and oversight of key areas like the sanctuary, community hall, and other spaces critical to our ministries.

Will we still have church on Sundays in our Worship Center?

Yes, Sunday services will continue as planned.

Where will my Sunday Family Group meet?

Room assignments will be adjusted to accommodate FCA’s use of certain buildings. This will be communicated to all Family Group Leaders and members well in advance to allow for a smooth transition.

Will we still have Wednesday Night (What’s Up Wednesday) Classes & Meals?

Yes, Wednesday discipleship programs will continue as planned. We will coordinate with FCA to make sure that our programs have the space they need.

Do we have control over the curriculum?

No. We do not have influence over the curriculum as FCA operates as a public school. If you’d like to know more about their curriculum, visit: Atlanta Classical Academy

Additional Questions

Will we make money from this?

Yes, leasing the property will generate income.

What’s the plan for relocating ministries from Building A to Building B?

A detailed plan will be developed that outlines which ministries move where, ensuring that each ministry has the appropriate space and resources needed to continue its activities without interruption.

Will this affect our relationship with Fayette County schools?

Our aim is to position this relationship as an additional resource for the community rather than creating any competition with any school in the South Metro area.

Do we have input in hiring FCA staff?

Hiring will be the responsibility of the head of school. New Hope members are invited to apply for positions and help recruit candidates who may be interested in working for the school. Over the next few years, FCA would hire over 100 full- and part-time employees.

Will New Hope families be able to attend the school?

FCA will be a public, charter school, which means that any resident of the attendance zone can attend the school to the extent that there is space available. If there are more applications than seats for a grade, then FCA will offer seats according to the results of a random, system-generated lottery. The children of full-time FCA employees at and the siblings of currently-enrolled students will be given priority in accordance with the law.

Will there be sports teams, bands, choirs, etc.?

FCA plans to gradually introduce sports teams and fine arts programs like bands and choirs, and they will expand as the school grows. This approach allows us to coordinate and ensure our church events and programs continue smoothly without disruption.

Are there any after-school programs, and if so, how will that affect our evening programs like Upward Basketball Practice, Mentorship Tuesday Evenings, etc.?

Yes, FCA will have after-school programs that might overlap with some of our evening programs. We’ll coordinate schedules to avoid conflicts.

How will leasing space to FCA impact our current Weekday Preschool Programs?

We plan to adjust schedules or locations to accommodate both the preschool and FCA.

Can we still have Disciple Now?

Yes, Disciple Now and other key church events will continue with proper planning to avoid any conflicts.

How will shared facility usage be coordinated?

We will establish a joint facility management team consisting of representatives from both New Hope and FCA. This team will be responsible for creating a master calendar, meeting regularly to manage space and parking usage, resolving conflicts, and ensuring smooth operations.

How will shared events or co-hosted activities be managed to align with our church’s values?

Any shared or co-hosted events will be carefully planned and managed by both New Hope and FCA leadership teams to ensure alignment with our church’s values. This could include joint community service projects, educational seminars, or family-oriented activities.

What security measures will be implemented to ensure safety for both church members and FCA students?

Just like New Hope, all of the schools in the Liberty network place safety and security as a highest priority. Working collaboratively, New Hope and FCA will write a coordinated emergency response plan. FCA will establish a School Safety Team that ensures the school has the right tools and processes, strong partnerships with local law enforcement and other local experts in the field, and an effective plan for safety drills and emergency response. We will implement security measures such as controlled access to certain buildings, surveillance cameras, regular patrols, and coordinated emergency response plans. The team will work closely with church staff to also incorporate the safety of all church personnel and members.

Will our sign still be outside?

Yes, our church sign will remain in its current location. Additional signage for FCA will be added in a way that complements our existing signage. We will work together to ensure that both New Hope and FCA have visible and effective signage.

Can I still be buried in the New Hope cemetery?

Yes, the cemetery will operate as usual.

What if FCA does something we don’t like?

New Hope and FCA have already begun a process of weekly meetings to ensure communication is open and clear between both teams. Both New Hope and FCA will establish a process that ensures concerns are brought forth and addressed.

What happens to the relationship if there is a significant change in leadership at either New Hope or FCA?

This relationship is based on shared values and goals, not individual leaders, so leadership changes won’t necessarily affect it. Both New Hope and FCA are committed to maintaining a positive relationship, with any transition will include a review to ensure continued mission alignment.

Will there be an annual or periodic review of the relationship and its impact?

Yes, there will be regular reviews of the relationship between New Hope and FCA. These reviews will assess the effectiveness of the relationship, identify any challenges, and explore opportunities for improvement.

Can we end the relationship if needed?

New Hope and FCA are committed to a long-term relationship. Both parties will make every effort to resolve any issues, and termination of the lease would only happen with cause based on a serious breach of the agreement.

Who approves this decision?

The decision requires approval from the Senior Pastor and Staff, Finance Team, Deacons, and ultimately a vote from the Congregation, in line with our policies and procedures at New Hope. This process ensures transparency and alignment with our church’s mission, values, and financial policies and procedures.

About Liberty Classical Schools

Liberty Classical Schools (Liberty) has been approved by Georgia’s State Charter Schools Commission to open Fayette Classical Academy (“FCA”) in August 2025 and serve Georgia students who reside in the counties of Fayette, Coweta, Fulton, Clayton, Henry, and Spalding, and the City of Atlanta.

What is a charter school?

A charter school is an independently operated public school open to all students in the approved attendance zone.

Charter schools have the freedom to:

  • use their own curriculum and teaching methods,
  • manage their own finances,
  • hire their own teachers,
  • set their own calendars, and more.

In exchange for this flexibility, charter schools are held to a higher level of accountability; they must demonstrate superior performance in the areas of academic achievement, financial management, and operational stability.

What is the name of the school and how does it relate to Liberty?

Fayette Classical Academy will be governed and operated by Liberty Classical Schools which serves as its central office of support. Liberty is a Georgia-founded, Georgia-based nonprofit operator of K-12 American classical charter schools. Liberty assists FCA’s leadership team through its departments of academics, advancement, data & accountability, finance and accounting, human resources, information technology, and operations.

What other schools does Liberty work with?

Liberty’s leadership team launched and supports Atlanta Classical Academy and Northwest Classical Academy (in Kennesaw, Georgia), schools after which Fayette Classical Academy will be modeledACA opened in 2014, and NCA opened in 2021.  Liberty is proud of its two successful schools and looks forward to leveraging its experience and successful track record to help Fayette Classical Academy open and operate with excellence. Liberty has also been approved to open a campus in Cherokee County once Fayette Classical is established.

Why does Liberty want to open a new school in Fayette County?

Liberty Classical Schools’ Mission is to launch K12 American classical schools that form knowledgeable, virtuous citizens. Our approach emphasizes virtuous living, traditional learning, and civic responsibility.  Our passion is to make this quality education widely available in public charter schools across Georgia. We have seen over the past 12 years that even the best traditional public schools are not a fit for all students. And many families do not have the resources to attend private school or to homeschool. Classical charter schools offer an excellent solution for families facing the challenge of finding the best educational fit for their children.

FCA will add another outstanding public school option to the growing region. It will alleviate enrollment stress on existing school systems and add a distinctive educational option in grade ranges presently unserved by public schools of choice. The region will experience significant population increases as a result of exciting projects like the national headquarters for the United States Soccer Teams, the expansion of the world’s largest movie studio, Trilith Studios, and the construction of one of the nation’s largest data storage facilities. Hundreds of parents have expressed support, indicating that a smaller, classical public school will meet the unique needs of their children and families.

Liberty initiated community engagement in response to initial inquiries from local residents, and we have since elicited the support of over 800 citizens via in-person meetings and presentations, phone and Zoom calls, and social media. In addition, business and civic leaders, clergy members, and elected officials have expressed support for FCA.

Liberty will continue outreach efforts that have proven successful for both the Atlanta and Kennesaw schools which opened near 100% of enrollment capacity and immediately built waitlists that exceed 3,400 students, in total.

Who will govern the school?

The board of Liberty Classical Schools will govern Fayette Classical Academy. The board has three members including a member who resides in Fayette County, and it intends to increase in size prior to opening its next school. Essential characteristics of board members include commitment to the school’s Mission, enthusiasm for classical education and the school choice movement, time capacity to meet the professional requirements of the role; and domain experience in leadership, education, charter schools, finance, human resources, administration, law, real estate, technology, government affairs, and/or fundraising.

Can a public charter school choose who can or cannot attend?

No. Fayette Classical Academy is an open-enrollment, tuition-free public school. All students who reside in the counties of Fayette, Coweta, Fulton, Clayton, Henry, and Spalding, and the City of Atlanta will be eligible to attend; the school does not select on the basis of aptitude or disability. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of spots available, the school will offer spots via a random, system-generated lottery.

In accordance with state law, FCA will offer preference to the children of full-time employees, board members, and the siblings of enrolled students. Liberty also utilizes a weighted lottery where economically disadvantaged students are given an additional priority for admission in accordance with all state and federal guidelines.

Are there admissions requirements?

According to the Georgia Department of Education, the admissions process for charter schools in Georgia is as follows:

  1. Those who want to enroll in a charter school must submit an application. The application can require contact information, residency, and grade level. The application cannot include any information that screens applications like previous test data, recommendation letters, gender, race, or which language the student speaks at home.
  2. Charter schools must have the same open enrollment and admission standards as traditional public schools. With the exception of legally allowable enrollment preferences, charter schools cannot select their students nor deny admission to any applicant as long as there is room for the student within the school’s capacity.
What are charter school lotteries?

A charter school is required to conduct a lottery when there are more applicants than there are seats available in the school.  The school must conduct the lottery through random selection and make the results of the lottery public.

Will your school accept students with special needs?

Yes. FCA will joyfully serve students with special needs. In accordance with federal and state law, FCA will comply with IDEA and section 504.

What grades will the school start with?

The school will open with grades K-6 and add a class every year until it reaches a full K-12 configuration.

Who authorizes charter schools?

In Georgia, the charter school petitioner first submits to the local school district. Schools that are denied a charter by their local school district may seek authorization through the State Charter Schools Commission (SCSC).

Fayette Classical Academy is authorized by Georgia’s State Charter Schools Commission.

Charters are generally granted for five years. At the end of the term, the authorizer may renew the school’s contract. Charter schools are accountable to their authorizer, as well as to the students and families they serve. Charter schools are required to produce positive academic results and adhere to the charter contract in order to remain open and are required to be fully accredited within the first three years of their charter term. Charter schools are required to follow federal and state laws applicable to public schools.

What is your relationship with Hillsdale College?

Liberty Classical Schools has partnered with the K12 Education Office (aka the Barney Charter School Initiative) of Hillsdale College to support both Atlanta Classical Academy and Northwest Classical Academy. The terms of the partnership are that we offer Hillsdale’s curriculum with excellence and integrity (subject to aligning the curriculum to Georgia Standards of Excellence), and Hillsdale provides training and support in the realms of governance, curricular support, instructional coaching, and school culture. The partnership is based on these mutual commitments, and no money changes hands between us.

Initially, Fayette Classical Academy would be a “Candidate Member School” in Hillsdale’s network of K12 American classical schools. After several years of sustained excellent performance, it would become a full “Member School”, as are Atlanta Classical and Northwest Classical.

Liberty’s nonprofit board governs the school; Hillsdale College does not own, manage, or profit from any of its affiliate schools. Liberty’s schools including Fayette Classical Academy are nonpartisan, nonsectarian public schools.

While Liberty considers Hillsdale College a valued partner, Hillsdale’s opinions and statements are their own. Hillsdale’s K12 Education Office and Fayette Classical Academy are focused on education, not politics. Teachers in Hillsdale-affiliated schools are strongly encouraged not to spend time in the classroom commenting on current affairs. Curricular materials likewise aim to provide a fair, balanced, and honest account in every discipline, including history and civics.

Are charter teachers required to be licensed?

Fayette Classical Academy adheres to a proven process of vetting and hiring teachers who are “kind-hearted subject matter experts”. All will have a bachelor’s degree, and many will have a master’s degree or PhD.

Special education teachers are required to hold the appropriate teaching certification. The law requires other teachers at charter schools to be “highly qualified”, a term defined by Georgia’s Professional Standards Commission, but general charter school teachers are not required to hold a certification.  FCA’s hiring process includes regular, recurring background checks and fingerprinting upon hiring.

What makes a good teacher at a Liberty Classical School?

Faculty members at Liberty schools are hired based on their mastery of academic disciplines and their ability to convey knowledge to students. They should have the ability and desire to shape the character of their students by instilling virtue. FCA will offer a supportive environment that emphasizes “excellence in teaching” and “traditional learning” in a calm, orderly, and studious environment. In hiring teachers, FCA seeks kind-hearted subject matter experts who are eager to learn new curricular content, welcome classroom observations and coaching, and collaborate in a collegial environment. This culture has been a magnet for teachers who want to work where expectations and support for students and teachers are high. This has been a winning formula at other schools in Liberty’s network.

Is your curriculum aligned with the Georgia Standards of Excellence?

From kindergarten through 12th grade, we follow the classical, content-rich scope and sequence set out in the program guide published by Hillsdale College’s K-12 initiative. The curriculum foregrounds content that promotes what scholar and creator of the Core Knowledge curriculum E.D. Hirsch calls “cultural literacy.”

Throughout all grades, the curriculum includes great books and an emphasis on the power of good stories to shape human beings.

Liberty schools consistently crosswalk the curriculum to the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) and adjust where necessary to align to state standards. Please see the curriculum map from Atlanta Classical Academy which serves as the foundation for FCA’s curriculum.

Is your curriculum politicized in any way?

Liberty schools are nonpartisan, nonsectarian public schools focused on education, not politics. Teachers spend class time focused on course content, great books, and primary sources, which leaves minimal time for current affairs. Curricular materials aim to provide a fair, balanced, and honest account of every discipline, including history and civics. Students are taught to read and think critically and engage in civil discourse so that they will be prepared to define and defend their own opinions and beliefs throughout their lives.

Are Liberty schools Christian schools?

Liberty Classical Schools are nonpartisan, nonsectarian public schools and are not affiliated with any religion. Our study of religion is for the sake of cultural literacy, not to promote one religion over another nor to promote or disparage religious belief in general.

In history class, for example, students may learn about the ideas that shaped historical actions, including religious ideas. We do not teach theology, nor do we administer religious practices or traditions.

How do Liberty schools address issues related to enforcement of Title IX?

As a public school, Liberty complies with all federal and state legal requirements. Liberty works to create a safe and welcoming environment for all students, and we partner with families to address specific needs.

Contact Us

If you have further questions, contact us by filling out the form below.

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